Security BSides Dublin 2021


Speakers Talk Video Slides
Jayson E. Street Keynote: No Patch for Human Regret! (Breaking People to Break into Networks)
Grant Colgan Hacking RF: Breaking what We Can't See Demonstrations -
Sneha Shekar The evolution of Emotet - from an ordinary trojan to Malware-as-a-Service -
Matthias Wilson Using SOCMINT in Threat Intelligence - Tracking Iranian Threat Actors across Social Media -
Chintan Shah Digging the Attack Surface of Microsoft Rich Text Format Files - An OLE Perspective
Omer Ventura & Ido Solomon INJ3CTOR3 Operation – Leveraging Asterisk Servers for Monetization
Ciarán McNally Hop the fences, steal the cars
Sergey Chubarov Offensive Azure Security
Itsik Mantin AI in a Minefield: Learning from Poisoned Data -
Derek Middlemiss Cyber Espionage Reloaded
Kirill Efimov Sour Mint - The case of malicious advertisement SDK affecting thousands of mobile apps
Juan Araya Introduction to Fileless Malware
Rahul Raghavan Threat Modeling Wins for Agile AppSec
Jennifer Cox Securing the Human as your greatest vulnerability
Chris Lyne A Glance at Interpreted Language Bytecode Trickery
Peter Morin Fight the Fight – Orchestrating and Automating Your Incident Response
Lindsay Kaye Egregor Awakens: Taking a Tour Of A Threat Actor’s New Digs
Caitlin Long Hacking The Planet: An Intro to Avionics Security
Rob Slade Homomorphic Encryption
Jayme Hancock Weaponizing Systems Administration: Leveraging IT Skills in Penetration Testing
Chester Wisniewski The stratification of cybercrime: Using divergent TTPs to inform defensive strategies
Krishnan Subramanian Moving away from Exploit Kits: The State of drive-by downloads
Dave Lewis Locknote: I Was Promised a Jetpack -


[Android|iOS] Mobile Hacking Workshop Davy Douhine & Guillaume Lopes
My Audit My Rules! Jovin Lobo, Rohit Salecha & Abhijay Singh
Vishy Little Liars - Pretexts that Kill Alethe Denis
Finding Security Vulnerabilities with Fuzzing on Linux Hardik Shah


Sponsor Tier
Amazon - Information Security Diamond
Tines Platinum
Akeero Platinum
Reliaquest Platinum
edgescan Platinum
snyk Platinum
Bank of America Platinum
YesWeHack Platinum
tenable Gold
exabeam Gold
Black Hills Information Security Gold
elastic Silver